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  • Writer's pictureParsa Dev

10 Hilarious Programming Jokes to Kickstart Your Week

Here are ten new weekly programming jokes of Parsa.

  1. Why was the computer cold? It left its Windows open!

  2. What's a bug's favorite sport? Debugging!

  3. Why was the developer broke? Because he used up all his cache!

  4. What do you call an algorithm that seems to solve itself? A recursor!

  5. Why do programmers hate the outdoors? Too many cache misses!

  6. What's a programmer's favorite musical instrument? The keyboard!

  7. How do computers eat data? They take mega-bites!

  8. Why was the computer tired after the road trip? It had too many bytes to process!

  9. Why did the programmer quit his job? He didn't get arrays!

  10. What's a programmer's favorite movie? "Looping!"

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